
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Basic Sleep Guidlines

My question: Should my almost three-year-old still be napping? She isn't, and hasn't for about three months. We're in a bad way around here. The chart tells me she needs more sleep overall, but should I try to add the nap back in or just put her to bed earlier at night? Or both?

AgeNighttime SleepDaytime Sleep *Total Sleep
1 month8 1/27 (3)15 1/2
3 months105 (3)15
6 months113 1/4 (2)14 1/4
9 months113 (2)14
12 months11 1/42 1/2 (2)13 3/4
18 months11 1/42 1/4 (1)13 1/2
2 years112 (1)13
3 years10 1/21 1/2 (1)12
* number of naps in parentheses

(Chart from


  1. Hi Elise! I would not try to make her nap if she isn't already napping. I will definitely put her to bed earlier if she isn't getting enough sleep. Now that it is getting dark earlier it will work toward your advantage. When Snooks was 1, he went to bed at 5 pm since it was pitch dark outside and then he slept till 7 am. That is good 14 hours. I am not sure if I can get him to bed that early now with 2 kids and husband who comes home late. Anyway, good luck!
