
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Basic Sleep Guidlines

My question: Should my almost three-year-old still be napping? She isn't, and hasn't for about three months. We're in a bad way around here. The chart tells me she needs more sleep overall, but should I try to add the nap back in or just put her to bed earlier at night? Or both?

AgeNighttime SleepDaytime Sleep *Total Sleep
1 month8 1/27 (3)15 1/2
3 months105 (3)15
6 months113 1/4 (2)14 1/4
9 months113 (2)14
12 months11 1/42 1/2 (2)13 3/4
18 months11 1/42 1/4 (1)13 1/2
2 years112 (1)13
3 years10 1/21 1/2 (1)12
* number of naps in parentheses

(Chart from